Uniquely Graphic Grain Pattern

PalmTheory™ Designer Wall Panels

About PalmTheory™ Panels
PalmTheory™ is a series of configurable 4×8 palm wood panels designed to bring unique, graphic patterns to life. Made from palm wood—neither a grass nor a tree—these panels feature a naturally strong, directional grain with rich, organic coloration. Each panel incorporates geometric, abstract designs that emphasize the material’s distinctive grain and dimensionality, resulting in a sophisticated, high-impact aesthetic.

The PalmTheory™ of Abstraction series offers preset designs based on triangular patterns, allowing for a blend of organic and structured forms. These designs serve as starting points for further customization, giving designers the freedom to manipulate patterns and create innovative, one-of-a-kind visual effects.


Technical Product Information


Thierry Chocolat
Vancouver, BC
Restaurant Macanda
Wayzata, MN
Seattle Küche
Seattle, WA

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